Aug 28, 2016


Q.1. As per the 2011 census, the ratio of Rural: Urban population in India is _____
(1) 69 : 31 (2) 65 : 35 (3) 60 : 40 (4) 55 : 45 (5) 50 : 50
Q.2. Which of the following is the currency of Thailand?
(1) Baht (2) Balboa (3) Cedi (4) Cupon (5) Renminbi
Q.3. Narora Nuclear Power Station is located in which of the following Indian states?
(1) Bihar (2) West Bengal (3) Gujarat (4) Tamil Nadu (5) Uttar Pradesh
Q.4. National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), an electronic securities depository, was promoted in

1996 by IDBI, UTI, leading public and private sector banks and ____
(1) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Limited
(2) National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) Limited
(3) Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX) Limited
(4) Indian National Multi-Commodity Exchange (NMCE) Limited
(5) National Commodity & Derivative Exchange (NCDEX) Limited
Q.5. Under the anticipated GST regime the proposed ‘GST Council’ shall have the representation of the
Central Government in the form of ____
(1) Three-fourth of its members
(2) One-third of its members
(3) One fourth of its members
(4) Two third of its members
(5) One-half of its members
Q.6. Which of the following automakers topped the Global Vehicle Sales for the fourth consecutive year
in 2015?
(1) Volkswagen Group (2) Ford Motor Company
(3) Toyota Motor Corporation (4) Hyundai Motor Company
(5) General Motors Company
Q.7. User Assisted Trials of ‘Pinaka II’, a multi-barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) system with a range of 60
km have been recently successfully completed by ____
(1) Iran (2) India (3) Myanmar (4) Pakistan (5) Bangladesh


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